François Corneloup

[English] [français]

Armand Meignan of the Europa Jazz Festival in Le Mans describes Francois Corneloup as no less than "the new saxophone colossus, a musician with pure energy, constantly obsessed with reinventing new improvisational frameworks, not as a straightjacket but to push against them, composing with totally original perspectives".

In the early 1980s, François CORNELOUP a self-taught artist-musician played and worked with a wide range of musicians, an experience that opened his ears, and enabled him to cultivate a certain attitude towards his playing partners and develop a sense of meaning based on communication.

He honed his playing with the Compagnie LUBAT and musicians like Claude BARTHELEMY, Henri TEXIER, Michel Portal and Gérard MARAIS.
"François Corneloup plays as you might throw yourself into a fist fight. With the same joy, the same will to get to the heart of the heart of where it’s at - to use body. (...) His music plays with tension, not with destruction : it very frankly, very directly thrusts itself against the limits, to feel their resistance. (...) A full, rich, inhabited sound. (...). That’s his strength, this integrity."
Stéphane Ollivier - Les Inrockuptibles



Benãt Achiary, Noël Akchoté, Patrick Auzier, Jean Jacques Avenel, Claude Barthélémy, Carles Benavente, Han Bennink, Jean-François Canape,Jean-Luc Capozzo, Xavier Charles, Jean-Louis Chautemps, Bruno Chevillon, Pascal Contet, Laurent Dehors, Benoît Delbecq, Manuel Denizet, Marc Ducret, Laure Duthilleul, Jacques Di Donato, Glenn Ferris, Renaud Garcia Fons, Michel Godard, Jacques Higelin, Régis Huby, Tony Hymas, Sylvain Kassap, Hélène Labarrière, Eric Lareine, Francis Lassus, Guy Le Querrec, Didier Levallet, Julien Lourau, Bernard Lubat, Thierry Madiot, Jacques Mahieux, Gérard Marais, André Minvielle, Eric Montbel, Charlotte Nessi,
Guilllaume Orti, Stéphane Oliva, Jean-Marc Padovani, Evan Parker, Percussions-Claviers de Lyon Marc Peronne, Dominique Pifarély, Jean-Luc Ponthieux, Michel Portal, Hasse Poulsen, Michaël Riessler, Jean Rochard, Paul Rogers, Aldo Romano, Sylvain Roux, Marc Sanders, Louis Sclavis, Gérard Siracusa, Claude Tchamitchian, Henri Texier, Sébastien Texier, Yves Torchinsky, Franck Tortiller, Jacques Veillé, Philippe Vincenot (comédien), Bojan Zulfikarpasic...


PRESENT : Trio avec François Raulin et Bruno Chevillon - Hélène Labarrière quartet avec Hasse Poulsen et Christophe Marguet – Ensemble Dédales D.Pifarely- Henri Texier Strada Sextet – Ursus Minor (JL Johnson, T. Hymas , S. Williams)- Isabelle Loubère
PAR INTERMITTENCE : Festival d’Uzeste musical - Los incontrolados – Louis Sclavis – Fabien Tehericsen (Concerto Improvisé, Spectacle « Hendriiix ! »
PASSÉ : Trio de sax baryton avec Serge Bertocchi et Daunik Lazro Duo avec Sylvain Kassap - Louis Sclavis Quintet (Laurent Dehors, Michel Godard, Yves Robert) - Charlotte Nessi (mise en scène), François Raulin sur “Le sourire au pied de l’échelle” d’après H. Miller - Henri Texier “Soñjal” Septet (Noël Akchoté, Julien Lourau, Jacques Mahieux, Sébastien Texier, Bojan Zulfikarpasic)
Gérard Marais Quartet Opéra (Vincent Courtois, Youval Micenmacher) - Jacques Mahieux Trio (avec Fabrice Devienne au piano) - Sylvain Kassap Octet (Hélène Labarrière, Jean-François Canape, Philippe Deschepper, Norbert Lucarain, Christophe Marguet, Jacques Veillé) - Denis Fournier Quintet (Nabil Khalidi, Jean Luc Ponthieux, Frédéric Tari) - Oeil de Breizh (Bruno Chevillon, Marc Ducret, Guy Le Querrec, Aldo Romano, Louis Sclavis, Henri Texier) - Opéra “Mister Cendron”, mise en scène Michel Rostain, musique Gérard Marais (Michel Arbats, Vincent Courtois, Claudine Ducret, Youval Micenmacher, Sami Simbert) - Grand Lousadzak de Claude Tchamitchian.


François Corneloup


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François Corneloup

François Corneloup Trio
Hélène Labarrière, Double bass
Simon Goubert, Drums
François Corneloup Peuple Etincelle


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